The fascists have taken over Australia and New Zealand. Canada will be next (Kate Wand, and watch here). France is already lost. A solid majority in the UK voted for the Conservatives against the fascist Labor Party, but despite voters' wishes, got "build back better" COVID lockdown enthusiast Boris Johnson anyway. We might call Boris a "fascist lite" politician. And now, fascism has come to New York City. San Francisco, New Orleans and Los Angeles will be next.
There appears to be a corrupt "uniparty" in the UK, just as there is here in the United States. The term refers to a de facto single political party with common, corrupt values and agendas made up of both Democrats (all of them) and Republicans (lots of them, including all the leaders, e.g., Mitch McConnell or Lindsay Graham). Members of our "establishment" represent only themselves and those who support them financially or otherwise. Those interests include all the usual suspects (various billionaires, Silicon Valley, other large corporations, Wall Street, Eisenhower's "military industrial complex").
Our nation's capital is an irremediable swamp of corruption, a foul and unholy place. However, those in the uniparty are not just self-interested to a sociopathic degree. They are also malevolent actors who must constantly blame their victims to rationalize their own amoral actions. You can view it this way — their pathology is little more than the inevitable working of Carl Jung's shadow in people terminally corrupted by having far too much power.
Another aspect of the Jungian "shadow" here is that these political elites see themselves as superior in every way (including morally) to all the "little people" they are constantly fucking over. Of course just the opposite is far closer to the truth. These elites are accountable to no one—democracy has failed—so they act maliciously without restraint. Never pay any attention to what our political elites say. Always pay attention to what they actually do. Note the huge discrepancies, note the underhanded double-dealing and double standards.
Fascism and the uniparty are the subjects of this segment from Tim Pool's nightly live podcast show (channel TimcastIRL, stream from last night August 17, 2021). Tim has asked everybody to share it and so that's what I'm doing here.
Watch and learn. Per usual, comments are closed because we live in an authoritarian Idiocracy.