A short while ago I got annoyed watching Brett and Heather Weinstein talking about "the purge of social media, free speech and Big Tech collusion" (1st video below). If you don't know who they are, use a search engine. You know how to do that, right?
These almost-useless pedants kept referring to the "red" team—called conservatives—and the "blue" team—called ?????. They were talking about how the ????? is purging conservatives from social media. We know that these social media monopolists have done everything in their considerable power to put the ????? into office. We know that these some of these Silicon Valley oligarchs are going to be part of Joe Biden's incoming administration. One hand washes the other. They are in bed together and inseparable.
If you don't believe me, why don't you use a search engine? Or follow a link. You know how to do that, right?
Well, what do we call the questions marks ?????
We can not call them "liberals" because liberals don't purge anybody—doing so is illiberal. We can't call them "democrats" because purging people from the contemporary social media "public square" is profoundly anti-democratic. We can't call them "progressives" because silencing political opponents is regressive, not progressive.
To be accurate, we call the ????? authoritarians because only authoritarians carry out purges. There are a variety of different authoritarian types. I call them fascists to keep things simple. Everybody has some rough idea about what that word means. JP Sears calls them communists in the 2nd video below. That's yet another type of authoritarian.
There is no "red team" and "blue team" here. That's a false equivalency. There are fascists and their scapegoats. So perhaps you can see why I was getting annoyed with these highly intellectual fools the Weinsteins. Because they are muddled, they are muddle-headed. In short, they are confused as fuck. And they are not alone. Everywhere I look I see people who are as confused as fuck.
We are long, long past the political squabbles between the political conservatives and political liberals of yesteryear. Such obsolete unreal language ("red" and "blue" teams) only serves to create all this muddle-headed confusion.
We're not talking about disagreements about fiscal policy during the normal times which have held sway since World War II. We're talking about preserving freedom of speech. We're talking about not turning into a Western version of totalitarian China.
Now, to the title of this post—there is no "middle" ground between fascists and everybody else. Fascists want to take away your human rights and thus your freedom. Anti-fascists want to preserve those rights and freedom. Therefore there can not be a "middle" because in the middle lies only one thing—compromise to adjust or reform the status quo so as to preserve most of it.
Imagine compromising with fascists. It might go something like this—
OK, I'll give up my right to peacefully assemble if you let me keep free speech.
Well, there's some absurd shit. On several different levels all at once. Here's some advice. Read and re-read this post until you fully understand it, and then pass it on to others, always with the same meme or summary—
Don't Be Confused
The muddled but well-meaning Weinsteins are in the first video below. They even make a few good points, so it is worth watching. The second video is JP Sears having a conversation with Free Speech. Sears is not confused as fuck. He knows exactly what's going on now.