Perhaps you've noticed that Western Civilization is collapsing. For example, in Paris you need papers just to leave your house because of another useless covid-19 lockdown. I could provide countless examples just like this one at this point. Covid-19 is only a rationalization which hides other, deeper authoritarian impulses. It's a ruse. Humans, especially those with political power, don't know what they're doing or why they're doing it. "Power corrupts" said a wise man. You would think humans would figure this out after 5,000 years of experience. But they can't, they don't. Sigh.
Or perhaps I assume way too much. It is far more likely that you have not noticed that Western Civilization is collapsing because filtering these kind of vague "not my problem" existential threats is what humans characteristically do. You tell yourself "nothing to worry about here, it'll be fine." Go ahead, tell yourself that.
And you clearly you can't respond to something whose existence you can't even acknowledge.
But I see the authoritarian threat. I'm not filtering anything. It's clear as day. As clear as the hand I've put in front of my face.
I am an American. Europe, the United Kingdom. Australia, Canada, blah blah blah. The European Union is a joke. The UK is rapidly falling under the authoritarian boot (another useless fucking lockdown). Australia has something akin to martial law. Canada is just ... pathetic.
America fucking is Western Civilization. If you're an American, don't fool yourself. The whole world is watching.
So we start here.
If we're going to save humans rights, rule by law and strive for equality under the law as general principles, despite the inevitable failures that human nature engenders, we need to start right here in the good 'ole United States of America. And if we can save the situation in America, perhaps we can get confused, docile humans in the U.K. and other places to stand up for themselves too.
Absurd as it may be, saving Western Civilization starts with voting for Donald Trump tomorrow. Absurd as it may be, a vote for the Orange Man is a vote against ruthless authoritarians (fascists). Democrats and the corporations they serve want to lock you down. They want to tell you how to live your life. They don't want you to think for yourselves. They want to think for you. Fascists believe only in power. And power corrupts. For them, wrongthink is a crime and must be ruthlessly suppressed.
Don't believe me? Look at Jack Dorsey (Twitter) Look at Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook). Pay no attention to what these assholes say. Pay attention only to what they do. If Biden and the Democrats win, monopolistic social media information suppression will never go away. It will simply become part of the way we live. Believe me, you do not want to live in that Orwellian world.
In the Senate hearings last week, Republicans hammered Dorsey for suppressing what he believes is wrongthink on Twitter. Dorsey believes he knows what's good for you. And he believes he's morally superior to you. These are self-serving delusions born of social success and power.
Do you know what the Democrats wanted in those hearings? They wanted more information suppression. They don't think Dorsey is doing enough to fight against wrongthink.
Is that the future you want? If not, you have a chance tomorrow to do one, simple thing to fight back. In itself it won't be enough, but it's a start.
And what is that one simple thing? Vote for Donald Trump. At least he'll let you live your life the way you see fit and your day-to-day life may even improve.
And you won't have to be totally embarrassed to be a member of the species Homo sapiens as I am every day (video below).
Next Leader of the "Free" World?