Today Twitter and Facebook would not allow anyone on their platforms to link to the New York Post story which seems to show that Joe Biden lied about his and his son's corrupt connections to the criminally-run Ukrainian gas company Burisma. The story was published yesterday on October 14, 2020. Remember this date.
Let's sum up the meaning of this—
Facebook and Twitter are interfering in the U.S. election to support the Democrats and making no bones about it — they are daring us to stop them.
Facebook and Twitter have declared that truth is whatever they say it is.
Facebook and Twitter have declared their right to apply authoritarian control of what information you get to see on their platforms
Facebook and Twitter have decided that a well-informed citizenry is antithetical to their interests, but free speech and your right to access the information you need to make informed voting decisions is the bedrock of our democracy.
- Therefore, Facebook and Twitter have officially and arbitrarily decided that some form of authoritarian governance is generally preferable to our current democratic form of government (actually, we are a republic, but we can vote).
Again, Facebook (Zuckerberg) and Twitter (Dorsey) have just spit in your face. They are defiant and unrepentant.
Are you going to take that lying down? Are you adults? Or are you children? Are you free people? Or are you sheep who believe and do as they are told? We will find out right now. If you get your news exclusively from those platforms, you are consenting to their authoritarian rule over you.
Facebook and Twitter suspended the accounts of all those who tried to link-in the NY Post story on their platforms, including the account of Kayleigh McEnany, Trump's press secretary, the Trump campaign account, a Republican senate account and the account of the New York Post itself.
Do you understand the seriousness of this blatant attack on the free press and free speech? I hope you do.
Remember this date because if something is not done about this right now, and I mean this week, then you can kiss our democracy goodbye. I have tried to warn anyone reading here that what I call fascism was coming and the time to act was now.
I define fascism as ruthless authoritarianism. What Facebook and Twitter just did is ruthless authoritarianism in action. This is the message you need to understand right now—
These social media corporations have crossed the line. There will be no going back if we do not reign in these fascists right now. If we fail to act, October 14, 2020 can be remembered as the day our democracy died.
If we do not act now, we are done for. Western Civilization, which can be defined by the recognition of human rights and by the rule of law and equal protection under the law, will be done for. Remember this date.