Long-time progressive journalist Glenn Greenwald has resigned from The Intercept, an organization he co-founded. Glenn resigned because the Intercept editors did not want him to publish a story on the corrupt dealings of Hunter Biden and his father Joe, who may be the next president of the United States. (Though not for long, because the plan is to push Joe out due to his obvious dementia and install Kamala Harris, who has been Hillary's choice all along).
Tim wants people to share his video discussing Greenwald's resignation, so here you go (video below). Heaven help us if Joe Biden is elected, says Tim, because then there will be little or no constraint on the behavior of ruthless authoritarians who have taken over our media and most of our other "liberal" institutions. Because the Biden corruption story threatens their plans to get rid of Trump, there has been close to total silence on the story in the mainstream corporate media. (You know who I'm talking about.) Fox News is reporting it, as are other conservative outlets like Ben Shapiro's Daily Caller, and that's about it.
Controlling the information low or no awareness voters get to see—exercising total control of the narrative—is essential to achieving a fascist takeover of the United States (or totalitarian, Maoist, whatever you want to call it). The Greenwald resignation is just the latest chapter in this sad and oh-so-dangerous story.
I've gotten e-mails over the last weeks and months since I've been writing about this ongoing powerful attempt to take away our freedom and destroy the Constitution. If these authoritarians are successful, they will have brought about the end of Western Civilization. If those emails I've received are representative, I have to say at this point that even people reading me don't have nearly the awareness required to acknowledge, let alone act upon, the threat we are under in 2020.
Well, at least Tim understands that threat because he reads everything. Tim gets over a 100 million views every month now. We can only pray that he and others (like Tucker Carlson) have convinced enough people to make some kind of last stand against this corrupt and authoritarian onslaught.
Here's Glenn's resignation letter, which he published at substack. You can also find Matt Taibbi at substack. It seems sometimes in the United States that you can count the number of actual journalists with integrity on both hands and still have fingers left over. Most other "journalists" are really pro-censorship activists.
But of course most people (sheeple) are confused about this, just as they are confused about everything else.
There are now only 5 days until the election. Here's Tim.