"You can observe a lot by just watching."
— Yogi Berra
In his video BLM Supporter Shoots Woman For Saying 'All Lives Matter' And News Tries To Cover It Up, Tim Pool exclaims "I don't know why the media wouldn't tell us the truth about the shooting" (5:50 mark, watch the video up until then). I am going to answer Tim's anguished question in this post—why didn't the corporate-owned media report on this murder?
The answer has profound consequences because if the corporate media silence (cover-up) is successful in this and so many other cases, millions of propagandized, ignorant Americans will maintain the delusional belief that the "Black Lives Matter" riots protests are morally legitimate and therefore nothing to be worry about. Perhaps they will then go ahead and mindlessly vote for Joe Biden, the literally demented and carefully hidden Manchurian Candidate the globalist/neoliberal elites have put up to represent their interests.
If Creepy Joe wins, we will come to understand for real that Democracy Dies In Darkness, where "darkness" is the media silence in this Indiana murder and many other similar cases. This phrase is of course the motto of the thoroughly discredited Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post, which is merely another vehicle for elite/fascist disinformation (like CNN, The New York Times, The Atlantic, and on and on).
Today I'll answer Tim's implicit question in a series of bullet points. Here we go.
The BLM "activist" who shot and killed that woman in Indiana, the mother of a 3-year-old, is nothing but a disposable pawn of the fascist elites I first described in this post. He's also a cold-blooded murderer who should be caught and tried in accordance with civil rights and due process. But more importantly, he's merely a tool. He's nothing. His life doesn't matter, outside his being a convenient pawn in somebody else's game. He's a zero in the big scheme of things.
The question naturally arises—who is this zero a tool of? And now we begin.
This zero is a tool of the democrats and the only people they actually represent—their donor class, the multinational corporations who want to do more and more business with China (among others), the ones who still want to ship your jobs overseas where labor is cheap and regulations are non-existent. Alternatively, these corporations would like to open up the borders of the U.S. to spur a huge influx of cheap labor into the United States. The beauty part of this elite wet dream is that all those million of immigrants would be Democratic Party voters. That's the globalist/neoliberal view of the world in a nutshell, except for the foreign wars. According to these elites, we will need plenty of those! And drone strikes! We shouldn't forget to feed the evil monstrosity Eisenhower called the Military-Industrial Complex.
In keeping with this beautiful vision of The World Of Tomorrow according to Comcast, Raytheon, Disney, the NBA and Coca-Cola, the Democrats are running a long con ("confidence game") and basically that's all they're doing.
In order to run this kind of political shell game, which is really a huge bait and switch, it is necessary to create a toxic division between two classes: 1) the oppressed, nominally represented by the democrats and 2) the scapegoats, which is everybody else. Since this is political scam, a false moral distinction must be set up to distinguish the two classes. This is an effective strategy because 1) the democrats need to be seen as representing somebody outside the elites and the relatively small managerial class which serves them, and 2) the democrats need to be seen as holding the moral high ground. You can easily see how their "social justice" strategy satisfies both needs. It's all optics. All of it. This strategy is of course breathtakingly dishonest to its very core.
And thus it is that democrats and the corporate-owned media representing their interests universally characterize the scapegoats (in particular, Trump and his voters) as racists, white-supremacists, maybe just alt-right if you're lucky, etc.
And thus it is that the cold-blooded murder of Jessica Doty Whitaker by a Black Lives Matter "activist" never happened according to our silent corporate-owned media. Media elites do not want to tell you about burned out businesses and senseless violence. There is only one right narrative on CNN and that's not it. No, these allegedly oppressed "protesters", many of whom are well-off and white, are portrayed in the mainstream media as righteously angry paragons of virtue who are leading us ... in the real world ... to even more trade with China and the evil communists who run it, or to open borders which will allow anyone on Earth to work for pennies a day in Des Moines, Sacramento, Atlanta, Fort Worth, Tacoma, Boise, Kansas City, Chicago or Your Town, USA.
And thus a simple Google News search will reveal only one story about the killing of Jessica Doty Whitaker by a domestic terrorist because he said "black lives matter" to her and she responded "all lives matter." The story ran on the local Fox 59 affiliate in Indianapolis. Jessica's life didn't matter. Neither does yours.
Democrats and the globalist elites they represent seem to believe, as so many radical BLM "protesters" actually do, that the United States is a thoroughly wicked nation which must torn down and re-made to be more "inclusive." By "inclusive" the globalist elites actually mean there will be lots of desperate immigrants willing to work for peanuts. The more "inclusive" America becomes in this sense, the more demoralized, docile and accepting the American public will become.
According to the elites, the de facto political destruction of the United States (its Constitution and Bill of Rights) will be good for everybody, by which they mean it will be very good for the elites and practically nobody else. De-funding (crippling) scapegoated police departments in "blue" state cities—all police officers are racists, even the black ones—is just the start of this destruction. You must be made to feel insecure in order to instill the required fear and malleability. For globalist elites, who will never themselves pay the price for jeopardizing the lives of ordinary citizens, only their own lives matter. (Tucker Carlson video below).
Democrats and the elites they represent can not and will not actually help the oppressed classes they claim to represent because these elites require them to be oppressed every four years to keep the confidence game going.
It should not be difficult for you to see that a lie can be defined as something you hear every time an establishment democrat opens his mouth. Consider Bill DeBlasio, the mayor of New York City and former candidate for president, who says that COVID-19 is a threat to public health if you are protesting his lockdown of small businesses and public gatherings, but is somehow and miraculously not a threat to public health if you are participating in a BLM riot protest.
You need to understand that BLM "protests" run amok could not continue if the corporate elites who own the media did not want them to. This is a very important point to understand. Trump is always demonized by these elites, but if he lifts a finger to restore order in the "blue" (democrat) states like Oregon, all of a sudden the media and the democrats will proclaim him a fascist dictator. That's a projection of course. It is the elites Trump is fighting who wish to run your lives according to their every self-serving whim. The democrats/elites clearly see allowing the "protests" (and murders) to go on as being in their self-interest (see oppressed class above). Therefore Trump must fail, and should the "protesters" go too far in the eyes of these corporate elites, this will also be blamed on Trump for allowing it to happen! How convenient!
In this vein, the democrat mayor of Seattle Jenny Durkan, who initially proclaimed that life in the "CHAZ" (or "CHOP") would perhaps be a "summer of love," brought the police in to tear it down after four shootings in a 10-day period with 2 deaths, and more importantly, a few days after "protesters" went to the Durkan's house to hassle her. If democrats assume political control in November, perhaps they will shut down this BLM nonsense because it will have outlived its political usefulness. Or maybe they'll allow it to continue in order to terrorize ordinary working Americans (you know, "racists"). Because that's what fascists love to do.
And that's it. There's your answer to Tim Pool's urgent question. I understand that this is a whole lotta evil to wrap your head around. I should also add that I am not describing some vast, improbable conspiracy (for the most part, see the video below). All of the observable behaviors of these globalist elites (including the democrats) is the product of common values motivated by self-interest. I'm also sure in every case these assholes would rationalize their clearly predatory behavior by telling you it's for your own good. And almost all of them would believe that bullshit when they said it. That's human nature—humans really do believe their own bullshit almost all of the time.
Bonus Insight — These evil globalist elites really do hate Trump. And why is the #OrangeMan so bad? Why have they demonized him every minute of every day for four years now? Why did they create a vast #RussiaGate conspiracy to bring him down, even going so far as to impeach him on totally bogus grounds? Because he's gotten rid of the trade agreements they had designed to enrich themselves. Because he doesn't want to start any new foreign wars. Because he's correctly identified China (pronounced "Chy-na") as the chief beneficiary of the selling out of America and points out how China cheats the world. That was also General Flynn's "crime"—Flynn thinks China is by far the biggest threat to American interests, and Flynn is right. That's why Trump has gotta go. For example, here's some propaganda on the subject from CNN.
The democrats/corporate elites tell us we must "re-imagine what public safety looks like." Pay particular attention after the 3:20 mark, starting with the Barack Obama excerpt.
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