The crazies have been tearing down statues lately.
They started with slaveholders, moved on to presidents, and now they're tearing down abolitionists who fought and sometimes died fighting slavery. Their next targets are Lincoln (freed the slaves) and Jesus (too white).
All of this is being done in name of virtue and assumed moral superiority.
Throughout human history, political evil always presents itself as virtuous and morally superior. If humans who are currently not so crazy could even understand this one simple thing, all would be made clear to them. These people, the ones who are willing to live and let live, would know what to do to prevent the great suffering to come.
Unfortunately, humans generally have the awareness of a box of rocks. This is especially true of the crazies but applies to nearly everybody. Most humans can be hoodwinked by a moral tautology ("Black Lives Matter").
Even before indoor plumbing and cheap energy from fossil fuels, most human suffering was self-inflicted. That clearly hasn't changed and never will. It's not the virus, dummy. It's you, it's us. More specifically, it was recently those who exploited the pandemic for their own evil purposes. As always, harming you was framed as being for your own good.
Evil is always entirely self-serving and wants only one thing for itself—great and arbitrary power. This allows it to carry out atrocities on a whim in order to constantly remind us of its power over us. There goes Lincoln. There goes Jesus. There goes your neighbor. There you go too.
In 2020, the new evil says that human history, here the history of people with white skin, is full of evil people (Jefferson owned slaves).
In reality, all humans at all times have been and are deeply flawed. That is Human Nature. So the new evil will never run out of targets. Thus the new evil can justify itself over and over again without limit.
The new evil says Human Nature doesn't exist. All things are possible says the new evil. The new things will be good things according to the new evil.
The new evil says that history will be fixed. We will be delivered from the old evil because for the first time in human history genuine virtue and moral superiority have truly appeared. The new evil assures us that we will enter a Promised Land where strife and suffering are abolished. The new evil promises a Utopia.
But of course Utopia does not and can not exist outside the deluded minds of the new evil (the crazies).
Cast from the same mold, the new evil merely replaces the old evil. Thus the horrible and pathetic historical cycle repeats.
Human Nature is not changed. Human history is not changed. We just get a new chapter in a very, very old story. Only the meaningless details change. Once again humans are the cause of most of their own suffering. Only the scale of our self-defeat changes when the crazies take over.
Same as it ever was.