This post is dedicated to every human being who has ever walked the Earth and every one yet to be born.
As we sit here 38 hours away from the end of one of the most absurd and disgusting episodes in human history, and knowing full well that there are many absurd and disgusting episodes to come, it behooves us to remember that human life on this planet is a game which each of us is compelled to play.
We need to remember that the disgraceful and embarrassing behavior we've witnessed over the last year is merely another example of people playing that game. And that game has rules, as I've tried to describe on this blog.
For various reasons, some opt out of the game by committing suicide because the game can be very painful, and playing it became overwhelmingly burdensome to them. But most of us play the game to the very end. We are obliged to do so because that's what our nature dictates.
Humans don't know of course that they are playing a game. That's the difference between being caught up in the game and realizing it is a game.
To me, because human life is a game whose outlines it is possible to trace, the tombstone of every human being should contain only one short epitaph— Thanks For Playing!
A few people in human history have seen the game for what it is and became disgusted with it. We know who those people were because they were public figures who expressed their disgust and disillusion with the game in various ways. Surely there were some others who felt the same way, but those people led quiet and likely desperate lives. So we don't know who they are or were.
Whatever happens on Tuesday, or any other day for that matter, the game will go on until the bitter end.
Here's Mark Twain's tombstone.
Here's Arthur Schopenhauer's.
Here's Kurt Vonnegut's.
Here's George Carlin's.
And here's mine.
Your noting of...
"...the difference between being caught up in the game and realizing that it is a game"...
..."sounds" very similar to...
You're either at the table or you're on the table.
The latter seems to have a more poignantly gruesome connotation.
Posted by: colinc | 11/06/2016 at 12:08 PM