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"I could go on in this vein, but I trust I've made my point about Flatland. It's all very depressing."

I wonder if this sentiment can be defined as the "realist's dilemma." The ability to cut through the bullshit, but which in turn gives you the realization that practically no one else can, and in fact they continually produce it. Don't bother pointing this out to them, threat filtering is one hell of a defense mechanism.

Having a good general sense as to how the mind operates, one sees that there are hard limits to cognition. It's all the harder to take because you realize that humans evolved to this state, it isn't a bug but a feature. The ability of the realist is that they are for the most part able to keep this in check. I wonder what allows for this? Is there research you have come across that explores how a person is able to limit their motivated reasoning and threat filtering, etc.? I have not seen anything, but perhaps I am not looking in the right places. Or perhaps no one has even thought about studying this because there are too few realists out there to even have the idea in the first place.

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