I've been writing about human-caused destruction of the biosphere for quite some time now. As new scientific studies come to light, the press coverage follows a depressing pattern. These stories are usually climate-related. Here's the standard Washington Post version along with some other details.
The research institution in question issues a press release.
The climate beat writer (i.e., Chris Mooney) explains the meaning and consequences of the new study. He quotes the lead researcher. Other mainstream stories follow his lead.
- If there's a good graphic from the study, Chris includes that.
Chris calls upon Penn State climate researcher Michael Mann to put the new finding in perspective. Mann is a dependable "go-to" guy. Mann further explains what we must do to avoid this calamitous outcome.
- The science press coverage quotes the lead researcher again at the end of the story. The researcher emphasizes the importance of more research or data.
The 24-hour news-cycle cycles on. The story disappears, never to surface again.
And that's it. Over and over again. Wash, rinse and repeat.