Among liberal pundits who benefit from the status quo, the contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders has come down to this:
1) Hillary is pragmatic. Bernie is a pie-in-the-sky idealist. (Obama the pragmatist was a great president and Hillary is his heir.)
2) Everybody knows profound change (as suggested by Bernie) is impossible. The status quo is all-powerful.
3) Vote for Hillary.
Here's Dave Roberts talking about our future:
In 2016, barring some truly disruptive political event (which, who knows, Trump may prove to be), Republicans are going to keep control of the House of Representatives...
So there will be no single-payer health care, no national carbon tax, no free college, no reparations.
Given the current disposition of the Republican Party, it will be a miracle if regular-order business like budgets and debt ceiling bills can get through — if the government can keep functioning at all.
There's an often unstated corollary to liberal political "logic" in 2016—
4) Not only is a vote for Hillary a vote for the status quo (with the possibility of meaningless incremental change), but it is also a vote against Cruz or or Trump or Rubio or somebody else who will be truly disruptive in a bad way.
The word "bankrupt" (as in "America's political system is bankrupt") doesn't quite do this nonsense justice. In case you were wondering, the "logic" outlined above is what all the delusional hullabaloo is all about. These clueless self-interested fuckheads are going to argue about this bullshit for months to come. They will be paid to do so.
Really, I just wanted to post this Leonard Cohen tune
I came across this piece recently, which you might find interesting. While only tangentially related to the above, it does a good job of highlighting some of the forces currently driving the clustetfuck that is American politics:
Posted by: Sam Taylor | 01/26/2016 at 11:09 AM