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"Does reality count for nothing?"

I was thinking after your post yesterday that our great achievement the past few years has been to decouple GDP measurements from reality.

Here is some corresponding info:

"Exports to the U.S., one of the world’s few economic bright spots, dropped 5.3 percent from a year earlier, while shipments to the European Union decreased 9 percent."

That article suggests China's domestic demand is countering the manufacturing decline, but I also found this:

"Significantly, the latest manufacturing data also suggests that domestic demand, which the government hopes will rise to offset China's export slowdown, may also be declining."

And one other one:

"The Chinese economy expanded 6.9 percent in the July-September period according to official figures, its slowest rate since the aftermath of the global financial crisis and weakening further from 7.0 percent in each of the first two quarters.

But those statistics are widely doubted and many analysts believe the real rate of growth could be several percentage points lower."

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