Acidic water blamed for West Coast scallop die-off
Vancouver Sun, February 25, 2014
We're Gonna Need a Better Story
I don’t know if apocalyptic warnings about unthinkable human misery are the best way to mobilize the world’s people to pressure their leaders not to make [the climate talks in] Paris 2015 a joke. Maybe a message of optimism about what we can accomplish — a change of genre from horror to heroism — is a smarter approach. But I do know that if the most creative and committed lovers of this planet don’t use all their genius and all their power to make this present moment count, we’ll have to come up with a better story to tell our grandchildren than the one about how the Koch brothers, ExxonMobil and China were the bad guys who stole their effing futures.
There was recently A big Scallop Die off due to Ocean Acidification here on the west coast. low and behold, there is a celebrity news video embedded in the story, right at the top!
Posted by: J. Drew | 03/03/2014 at 12:52 PM