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It's not a stupidity problem; it's a docility problem. And that comes ultimately from their animal nature.

Americans are not disgusted with the way things are, but they're not stupid either. They're trying to keep their head down so nobody shoots it off.

I have to agree with you Dave, when you put it this way. If by their 'animal nature' you mean docile people accept the pecking order in a Darwinian sense (i.e. because they strongly desire to 'survive'), I can't argue. On the other hand, the choice seems to be a Hobson's choice:

1. Put your head above the parapet (rebel against the elite) and get your head shot off (quick demise).
2. Keep your head down (don't confront the elite) and get slowly strangled (slow demise).

As premature death is a certainty in both options, I can't help writing off people who 'think' option #2 is somehow sensible. Unless there's a sedative being administered via the water supply - or in that secret cola recipe - if people are smart but choose #2 over #1, I need to consult the Oracle for a new definition of smart.

PS - I admire the energy of your rant. I am so burnt out by the disgust, I find it hard to even laugh anymore at the fools who love human life in 2014.

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