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Alexander Ač

Dave, thanks for making my day (again)!

So I am happy, because:

* I don't care about impacts of climate change
* I don't care about ocean acidification
* I don't care about overfishing
* I don't care about deforestation
* I don't care about soil erozion
* I don't care about (rising) wealth and income inequality
* I don't care about peak oil and resource depletion
* I don't care about air pollution
* I don't care about water polution
* I don't care about impacts of wrecking the nitrogen cycle
* I don't care about overpopulation
* I don't care about relative and absolute greed
* I don't care about other idiots inhabiting this planet with me

and most of all:

* I DO care only about myself

-- NOTHING of that I don't care applies to me (otherwise, naturally, I would care), and I have nothing to do with it, therefore I am happy. And smiling at others. That is the best evidence there are no meaningful limits to growth and human ingenuity. Most of humanity is following me and I have many friends.



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