Hat tip Tim Iacono.
Big Bank profits hit a seven-year high in 2013. Profitability would have broken all previous records if the banks hadn't been forced to set aside $18,000,000,000 to deal with legal issues and settlements pertaining to the fact that so many of those working at these heavily subsidized institutions are scumbags.
What a relief! That's six banks I don't have to worry about.
I'm sure I'd be in much better shape if only I could Homo sapiens seriously
Actually, I'd say you're better off not taking Homo sapiens more seriously. Our problem is that way too many Homo sapiens already take themselves much too seriously. Well, to be fair, we only take ourselves seriously in matters that aren't serious. In any truly serious matter (e.g., climate, oceans, population, yada yada yada), it's hard to find many Homo sapiens thinking about the issue at all. Your way is better. Okay, much less crowded, but still better. ;-)
Posted by: Brian | 01/10/2014 at 08:33 AM