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I always read at least a few of the comments below mainstream news articles. I rarely post on those sites, because what's the point. The few reader comments that aren't vicious or likely mercenary invariably display a complete lack of understanding of how government works.

The MM understands its audience and plays to their level of understanding. It initiates, nurtures, and strengthens the illusions our society holds in doing so. Occsionally there is a bit of worthwhile info in the MM, but these are the exceptions to the rule.

It's hard to say how much the more thoughtful members of the media intentionally filter out information or opinion that they know will affect their paycheck. Undoubtedly it happens a lot.

On democracy, I do believe such a thing is possible. We don't have it now, and it's questionable if we ever really had it (I think the U.S. has occasional bursts of true democracy, but again these are the exceptions to the rule.) The only real way democracy can flourish is with unbiased education (instead of indoctrination). We're so indoctrinated today (it's all but impossible to escape it) that real democracy cannot hope to exist, and one of the greatest culprits in this theft is the MM.

Do journalists not understand this? I don't see how it's possible, but it must be so. Do they just not allow themselves to ask deeper questions because they know it will affect their daily bread? Twain (and that's a great quote from him) suggests so. It's such a great tragedy, the human condition.

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