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How long until Goldman Sachs creates a climate change super derivative (Yahoo ticker symbol: GSCCSD)? And then we need folks to bet against those bets, so we get the static climate swap (SCS), which is based on the idea that the deniers are right and climate change is overblown, and all those bets on the climate to change will come up short. Bullish on mass extinctions? Vegas oddsmakers give over-unders on the survival of your favorite species.

Someone will need to write about all this, so I'll send a PM to Michael Lewis who can pen "Moneydrought" or "The Big Famine" or some such bestseller on how a green geek beat the traditionalists for major profits and changed the game. Harvard Undersea Business School will have special case study seminars on how to profit from such global disasters when/if they occur on colonized Mars. These are truly the best of times.

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