« Remedy du Jour -- February 16, 2013 | Main | Economic Growth Fantasies »



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This upside-down morality is truly symbolic of a civilization in its death throes. Death is the operative word. Leaving aside the death of truth in economics, there are imperial state-appointed death squads roving the ex-Land of the Free and the entire globe, whether it's the non-judicial deliberate burning to death of an ex-policeman suspect in California or the indiscriminate remote-control drone strikes slaughtering children and women alongside one or two suspected jihadists. Due process is dead. The American Dream is dead. Freedom of assembly is dying, if not already dead. Food safety is dead. Independent mass media are dead. State respect for basic human rights is dead. An impartial Supreme Court is dead and gone. Just as bad, critical thinking is dead and buried under a mound of dum-dum popular "culture" and brain-numbing fast food and turn-a-blind-eye street corner narcotics - except for a handful of educated independent minds hanging on at the edges of the whirligig.

Depressed? Not me. We The People created the planters who planted these seeds and nurtured them, and now we are all reaping the harvest. So three cheers for our success in getting the job done. Mission accomplished.

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