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With all due respect for vultures, there is no better word to label the "employers" and associated parasitical employment agencies who are taking advantage of the desperate by offering non-permanent "jobs" for measly pay, no benefits and no rights.

It's a return to serfdom. History tells us that serfs were compensated with just enough reward (usually thin rations and rudimentary lodging) to ensure they could perform the daily hard labor required by the overlord. Hitler's gang of thugs utilized the same logic in the concentration camps, for those "lucky" enough not to be instantly exterminated.

In essence, serfdom is an aspect of Darwinian survival, so we should not be surprised that after a fleeting interlude called the Enlightenment, Homo unsapiens is reverting to normal patterns of unvarnished abuse and exploitation of the masses by the privileged class, the latter whom are nothing more than the latest generation of psychopathic thieves and plunderers also known as Alpha males.

To quote Monty Python, I fart in their general direction.


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