The Greatest Bamboozle in human history ended just as poetic justice demanded that it should—nothing changed. Obama is still president. The House of Representatives is still controlled by Republicans. The Senate is still controlled by Democrats. For the American people, the entire exercise was much ado about nothing. Even if political power had shifted a bit, the election would not have mattered much to disenfranchised citizens. For example, there can be little doubt that the 30-year trend toward greater income and wealth inequality will continue. There will be income gains at the top of the pyramid, with further erosion in the middle and bottom.
Yesterday's Dilbert
However, the election did have a point—for this country's powerful, monied elites. All the necessary illusions were maintained—your vote counts, government economic policy reflects your interests, and so on. In this sense and only in this sense, the 2012 election served its purpose.
America's slide into the gutter continues. This country is beyond hope. Nothing good can happen here.
I'll probably post later today. That's all for now.
Not that it matters but I agree!
Posted by: Ian Fraser | 11/07/2012 at 08:59 AM