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Lin S

This time last year, my senior class was able to look objectively at the mountains of evidence of where we're headed and said to me, "we're in big trouble. I'll need a good post-HS plan for myself for the future. Simply going to college and going into debt to pay for it all isn't going to work out like we've been told it would."

Fast forward to the Class of 2012. They look at everything Class of 2011 did and tell me things like, "Peak Oil? More like Peak Bullshit. There's no shortage of oil," and, "There's no shortage of clean water. Heck, we've got the Pacific Ocean right here, we'll just switch to desalinization," or, "Yeah, sure a collapse is coming. Uh-huh. While the Dow reaches for 14K? Mr. Lin you should really peddle your Chicken Little crap somewhere else."

I tell ya', I am at my WITS END with this group! The MSM and Establishment brainwashing is SO entrenched, and they've become SO innured to the system, that after 10 months of trying I can't even make a dent in their thinking. They simply refuse to even CONSIDER the POSSIBILITY of unplugging from The Matrix. It's just f%ckin' hopeless.

I need to find another line of work. There's nothing more I can do here. The invincible ignorance of America's brightest has convinced me this nation and society are doomed beyond redemption.

By the way, here is the topic for their Final Exam:


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