I was actually stunned and astonished to read the New York Times article Obama Finds Oil in Markets Is Sufficient to Sideline Iran. It takes a whole lot to stun and astonish me.
WASHINGTON — After careful analysis of oil prices and months of negotiations, President Obama on Friday determined that there was sufficient oil in world markets to allow countries to significantly reduce their Iranian imports, clearing the way for Washington to impose severe new sanctions intended to slash Iran’s oil revenue and press Tehran to abandon its nuclear ambitions.
The White House announcement comes after months of back-channel talks to prepare the global energy market to cut Iran out — but without raising the price of oil, which would benefit Iran and harm the economies of the United States and Europe.
Careful analysis? Thus do Obama and the imbeciles surrounding him propose to square the circle, turn lead into gold, and find the lost continent of Atlantis. In short, they now propose to take 2 million daily barrels of crude oil off the world market without raising the price of crude oil.
Words fail me. But there's more.
Since the sanctions became law in December, administration officials have encouraged oil exporters with spare capacity, particularly Saudi Arabia, to increase their production. They have discussed with Britain and France releasing their oil reserves in the event of a supply disruption.
And they have conducted a high-level campaign of shuttle diplomacy to try to persuade other countries, like China, Japan and South Korea, to buy less oil and demand discounts from Iran, in compliance with the sanctions.
The goal is to sap the Iranian government of oil revenue that might go to finance the country’s nuclear program...
Administration officials described the Saudis as willing and eager, at least since talks started last fall, to undercut the Iranians.
One senior official who had met with the Saudi leadership, said: “There was no resistance. They are more worried about a nuclear Iran than the Israelis are.”
Still officials said, the administration wanted to be sure that the Saudis were not talking a bigger game than they could deliver. The Saudis received a parade of visitors, including some from the Energy Department, to make the case that they had the technical capacity to pump out significantly more oil.
But some American officials remain skeptical. That is one reason Mr. Obama left open the option of reviewing this decision every few months.
“We won’t know what the Saudis can do until we test it, and we’re about to,” the official said.
Of course the fucking Saudis are happy. They're fucking elated! If the Obama administration is successful, they'll be getting $150 dollars a barrel! At least! The Saudis know they can't produce another 2 million barrels per day for any length of time (if at all). And the last time they tried to sell their heavy sulphurous shit back in 2008, they had few takers because it's a pain in the ass to refine.
And if the Obama administration is successful, and the Iranians feel squeezed, they'll try to close the Strait of Hormuz. A barrel of oil will cost you $250 then! Happy days are here again!
And what about the price of gasoline here in America? Don't even bother buying gas. Stay home! You won't be able to afford gas. The economy? Forget about it! What economy? There won't be an economy if Obama's little scheme succeeds.
Worldwide demand for oil was another critical element of the equation that led to the White House decision on sanctions. Now, projections for demand are lower than expected because of the combination of rising oil prices, the European financial crisis and a modest slowdown in growth in China.
If Obama is successful, global demand for oil will be much, much lower than it is now. That's what happens when a barrel of oil goes for $150 or $250. That would mean the Obama plan is working! Nobody will miss that Iranian oil then!
[Left: Obama speaking with Disney World's Cinderella Castle in the background]
You are aware that Iran is not currently working on developing a nuclear weapon, right? You would know that if you had heard of remarks of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Face The Nation back in January. Read my post Been There, Done That, What's Next?
And what makes anyone think that these fucking Mullahs are going to back down because of sanctions imposed by the Great Satan? That will only strengthen their resolve!
So what is this all about? Is this happening so Obama can secure the Jewish vote? Is that it? I'm pretty sure he's already got the Jews wrapped up. Those Jews aren't going to vote for a Mormon for chrissakes. Maybe he's feeling insecure. Is destroying the global economy only a small price to pay for getting re-elected in 2012?
I actually voted for this putz. That's the last time I will ever vote for anyone, to be sure, but still I voted for him. Can I travel back in time and rescind that vote? Is that possible? I'd sure like to do that. I've wanted to do that for a long time now. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to get it done.
You can't fix stupid. Stupid is as stupid does. You can't fix hubris (in ancient Greek, ὕβρις). The Greeks knew that 1500 years ago. That's why they invented the damn word.
Obama's arrogance has no bounds. Obama's stupidity has no bounds. Here we see a pathetic overreach by a late Emperor in a dying Empire.
Some days I don't know why I even bother to write this blog. I live on Planet Stupid. End of story. I don't know about you, but I've stopped waiting for the miracle.
Bonus Video — Everybody Knows
Obama was also my last ever vote, and one I would also love to go back and rescind if I could.
That said, I'm rooting for him on this one and would love nothing more than to see $250 oil because of his stupidity. Maybe that would finally wake people up. Okay, probably not, but I can dream.
Posted by: Bill Hicks | 04/03/2012 at 11:32 AM