I fear I did not explain myself completely when I posted about Bill McKibben's war on carbon in Do The Facts Matter Anymore? Or Not? I intend to rectify that today. Look at this very simple diagram.
Burning fossil fuels provides energy and emits carbon (in the form of CO2)
Just as there are two products in this simplified diagram, there are two rigid viewpoints about burning fossil fuels.
The first group, which could be represented by Exxon Mobil, focuses exclusively on the Energy component and ignores the Carbon. That Energy is very important. Without it we would not enjoy the comforts of industrial civilization and our precious internet. The Earth would not be able to support nearly as many people. All hell would break loose if we didn't have that Energy. And so forth. These people steadfastly ignore our best science, which tells us that we're warming the Earth's surface by emitting all that Carbon. Their denial concerning the unimportance of Carbon is complete. In short, they are crazy.
The second group, which could be represented by Bill McKibben and 350.org, focuses exclusively on the Carbon component and ignores the Energy. The Carbon is very important. If we keep emitting it at current rates, which is called Business As Usual, we risk raising the Earth's surface temperature by 3° centrigrade or more. We risk making the Earth uninhabitable for our species. And so forth. These people steadfastly ignore the benefits of the Energy, choosing instead to view it as one big, undifferentiated pile of Carbon. They want humanity to stop burning fossil fuels right now. They ignore the disastrous consequences if we suddenly had to do without all that Energy. Their denial concerning the unimportance of Energy is complete. In short, they are crazy.
Both groups create elaborate fantasies, which is not surprising since both groups are crazy. The first group imagines that the fossil fuels will never, ever run out. They have an unquestioning Faith in the power of human know-how and technology to solve all problems, including the Energy problem. The second group thinks we can switch to so-called "renewable" energy sources in a heartbeat. They also have an unquestioning Faith in the power of human know-how and technology to solve all problems, including the Energy problem. My own view is that an unquestioning faith in human ingenuity and technology is tantamount to a secular religion. I think an unquestioning faith in anything is crazy.
I've got news for both groups, not that they will listen. Technological solutions to the fossil fuels problem have mostly failed up to now. But I'll be gentle. Let's just say those solutions have not met our grandiose expectations. This is not a good time in human history to make another Leap of Faith. We have made our Energy and Carbon bed, and now we must sleep in it, seeking practical solutions where they exist. I'm sorry to have to say this to you. It really is Bad News. And no amount of craziness is going to solve it.
Yes, there will be technical strides from group one though not enough to make the specter of Peak Oil slide back into its grave. We have seen that with the recent advances in horizontal drilling and fracking. But the down side of that should be appreciated by group two, the cost of the outputs of those technical strides will increase. Bakkan oil is only possible when oil is over $80, that oil that washed up on Gulf shore was $100+ oil. We will be getting the lower energy life that group one threatens us without the planning that group two wants us to do now to prepare for lower and much more expensive energy.
Posted by: Don Bowen | 02/16/2012 at 11:43 AM