You know, yesterday's post The State Of The Union was actually an important post as far as I'm concerned. On Monday, I wrote a plain vanilla post about how fucked up our economy is, and that post got more hits than my SOTU post yesterday. Nobody re-printed yesterday's post, and nobody in general seem to notice it. The post got three (3!) comments altogether.
That is exactly what I would expect in a society that is falling apart, in a Declining Empire. Good for you, you're running true to form! Congratulations!
Does anybody care? What the fuck?
So I'll tell you what: there will be no post tomorrow (Wednesday the 25th). I will not put myself out to explain our grim sociopolitical/energy/trashing-the-Earth Reality to you as I do every other day of the week. Perhaps some of you "know-it-alls" out there are way past what I'm telling you. Good for you! I'm sure you're a lot smarter than me! For sure, the rest of the world is not listening, which makes me feel really good every day.
I just love it that typical human belief systems and Reality are completely incompatible. Love it, love it, love it!
Thursday I'll be back with a post concerning the Energy Information Administration's (EIA's) weirdly optimistic production projections concerning crude oil and all liquids, projections which are very politically convenient for the current President.
Until then, I am going to take 24 hours off and re-evaluate what I am doing writing this blog.
— Dave
Postscript — my comment on this post (from the comments section)
The questions become — why do any of us do what we do? Why get out of bed?
When I wrote this post, I was very frustrated. A writer writes to be read. When I make the strenuous effort required to write yesterday's post, just to be met with what certainly looks (from here) like who cares?, the silence is deafening.
But I was not only frustrated about poor put-upon me, but also for Moyers and Stockman. How many people watched that video? I wonder. Why did Moyers bother to make it if few are willing to watch it? No one commented on the Stockman interview. No one said a god damn thing about that video.
So it looks a lot like who cares? again.
Today I had a chance to read over the actual SOTU address. If it is possible to overdose on Hopium, I must have come really damn close. I was feeling a little woozy by the end, overwhelmed by just how many confusions, distortions, contradictions, lies and just general all-around bullshit there was to debunk and straighten out — if I made the effort to do so.
But why, I asked myself, would I make that great effort? Does anybody really care if I do? In this case (the SOTU) it really doesn't matter. That was just a political speech in an election year.
But what about when I talk about the oceans? The climate? The liquid fuels supply? The social inequality and lack of fairness in the human condition? Is there the same apparent apathy and ennui?
I also thought in writing DOTE that it might be helpful to many of you to point just how delusional most human beings are. At the very least, if you understood that, you wouldn't have to waste your time dealing with them.
So, as I think about all this, the question becomes why do you get out of bed?
I can see that some of you do give a damn about the world you were born into, and for that I'm grateful. The unexamined life is not worth living Socrates said. They were right. If people are not curious about life on this planet, what are they doing other than eating, breathing, breeding and taking up (ever-scarcer) resources and space?
And I didn't threaten to quit yesterday. I merely said I was taking today off. And I'm glad I did.
I'm going to start linking to your blog Dave. I'll hit up every forum, person, and relative that I can.
Posted by: Honesty | 01/24/2012 at 11:03 PM