Before I get started, watch and listen to this unconscionable nonsense on Obama's new campaign message. Try to watch the whole thing.
It would appear that the Occupy movement had an effect on Washington politics. However, it only appears that way. It was not the effect intended, for nothing Obama and the Democrats have done in the last 35 months backs up this new rhetoric. Only the words have changed. Actions speak louder than words.
Thus we can not take anything Obama says at face value. And if his rhetoric is not heartfelt and genuine, backed by previous action, then we are dealing with Obama's new brand here. And these are precisely the terms in which David Chalian, Washington Bureau Chief for Yahoo! News, discusses the change of message in the video.
Thus it is marketing, it is branding, and Obama's new rhetoric is a Big Lie. And therefore, it is evil.
Who is Keyser Soze? ... You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.
Obama is trying to pull off the Devil's greatest trick—co-opt the message of the Occupiers, and use it for his own political purposes. He is doing this in 2011, when now more than ever, the American people need to be told the truth about the grim future awaiting them. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Teddy Roosevelt picture source
Do you know what's at stake here? A new $400 billion jobs stimulus package and repeal of the Bush tax cuts for the richest Americans. That's all. That's it. The Downward Spiral's Bill Hicks (a pseudonym) quoted a Common Dreams story the other day. Here's part of it.
WASHINGTON — Roughly 3,000 unemployed workers from around the country are expected in the nation's capitol next week for four days of protests with labor, religious and social justice groups that say Congress cares more about America's wealthiest 1 percent than it does the masses of struggling middle-class families.
Piggybacking on the Occupy Wall Street movement, the three-day "Take Back the Capitol" protest will open Monday with construction of a "Peoples Camp" on the National Mall as a base of operations. On Tuesday, protesters will hit Capitol Hill to lobby members of Congress about extending federal unemployment benefits. The group walks to K Street on Wednesday to protest the political influence of corporate lobbyists...
Protesters will call for passage of President Barack Obama's jobs bill and for continuing the 2 percentage point payroll tax cut for employees.
How should we deconstruct this detestable bullshit? In 5 or 10 years, depending on how inevitable events unfold, upwards of 100 million Americans will not have a pot to piss in. (Currently 1 in 6 Americans, 49 million, live below the poverty line.) In the future, there will be few new jobs which pay a living wage, a wage which bestows upon the worker a way to build a family, buy a house and maintain a household. In the near term, another recession is likely, which will be followed by a long, slow, painful "recovery".
Obama mouths the words, but there is nothing in our experience of him to indicate he has the first clue about what's going on in this country. If does actually know, nothing he has done indicates he gives a damn. His rhetoric about the destruction of the middle class, which has been going on for about 30 years now, is merely a new brand. He's just trying to get re-elected to serve those among the elites who give him the money required to do so. We're being set up again, just like we were in 2008.
It's frustrating. Nothing I say here seems to be strong enough to convey the real danger of our situation.
In the foreseeable future, there will be austerity or insolvency. These outcomes amount to the same thing in the end. If the government prints money to "rescue" itself, we'll face the accelerated destruction of the dollar and the accompanying inflation. If not, we'll see deflation and recessions. There is no middle path here. There is no muddling through. There is no easy way out.
This country is dying. Most Americans can't seem to get this through their thick heads. They require leaders who will tell them the truth, who will level with them about our grim future. In the most important sense, there are no "liberals" and "conservatives". There are only those who are truly concerned about this nation's future, those who are unconcerned about it, and those who are evil, who capitalize and profit from the corrupt status quo. If you are one of these "liberals" or "conservatives", I place you among the unconcerned, along with the apathetic. For every American, the question becomes: which group do I fall in?
It is surely bad enough that this country is circling the drain. But it is far, far worse when this sort of evil gets loose in the world. Our situation in the United States has never been so desperate.
Bonus Video
Listen to what Aaron Task called the Obama speech..."populist rhetoric." What is rhetoric? (in writing or speech) the undue use of exaggeration or display; bombast.
Nobody really takes anything seriously; it's all a eyewash game.
"No society can long survive where lying and the habits of falsehood have infected the public conversation to such an extent that we can speak of it as a “culture” itself.....Whenever we begin to experience life or our experience as absurd in that sense, then we know that the grand narrative is disintegrating; it is becoming incoherent. It is no longer felt to be our story."
Posted by: xraymike79 | 12/08/2011 at 10:37 AM