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A good many writers feel it their duty, as "reasonable" commentators, to offer hope at the end of an essay, book lecture, etc. When you speak to them privately, however, they they sing a different tune, including a forecast that is often markedly more pessimistic than they are willing to serve up in public. Is that necessarily bad or dysfunctional -or denial? We're going to find out in the next several years...Friedman, for all his superciliousness, is a weathervane/thought leader of conventional wisdom, as you note. The fundamental paradigmatic breakthrough is when those in power realize they have "Bad knowledge," that is, the paradigm of modernism/growth cannot solve problems, even for the rich and powerful. That breakthrough might not happen, but then again it could...
That's why you write DOE in my opinion. You know the jokes: "I went to the fights and a hockey game broker out." Or, "Here comes Mongo!"

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