I have a dream. And Sarah Palin, with the help of the 50% of Americans who vote in presidential elections, can make that dream come true.
But let us first consider the current President. Why does Barack Obama's very existence trouble our sleep? With a little thought, the answer becomes obvious. When W held the world's most powerful position, life was easy. George the Younger, unburdened by the ravishes of intelligence, was easy to despise. Cutting taxes for the rich, entangling us in foreign wars, flaunting the Geneva Convention—these were only a few of his misdeeds. Indeed, his vice president Richard "Dick" Cheney, who many suspected was the de facto power behind the throne, was the very personification of Evil. Dicks come in many varieties, but a Dick like him was less than satisfied with life if someone wasn't being tortured somewhere, preferably at his instigation.
Then along comes Barack Obama, tall, good-looking, intelligent, articulate, liberal, and a person of color to boot. Surely our savior had arrived. But The Change didn't come, and his Hopeful Actions were not Audacious. Health care is slated to become even more expensive. The Federal debt is a nightmare. Afghanistan remains a quagmire. Guantanamo is still open for business. Jobs outsourcer and former GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt heads up the President's Council on America's competitiveness. Tim Geithner, who is a chucklehead and the former head of the New York Fed, is Obama's Treasury secretary and chief economic adviser. The too-big-to-fail banks are even bigger and more powerful than before the meltdown. It is a long list.
In short, the problem with the obviously talented Mr. Obama is that he confers legitimacy on the Presidency, and by extension, the United States of America. He is beloved overseas. His showmanship at Town Hall Meetings is second to none. Indeed, his true & only functions are to maintain the dignity of his office and convey the Awesome Power of the United States. At these tasks, he is supremely skilled.
But as I have pointed out over and over again, the United States is in perilous Decline. In 2011, with the economy falling apart and the media focusing on who will run against Obama 18 months from now, the United States is no longer on the verge of becoming a joke. I think it's time to say what is on all thinking people's minds.
America is a joke, and a bad one at that. And the joke's on us
But the main problem remains: how do we get the rest of the humans to understand this? The answer is right in front of us.
Run, Sarah, Run! With Ms. Palin in the Oval Office, there would be no doubt whatsoever that America is a joke. For every person on Earth outside the 50 states, America's fall from grace would become too obvious to ignore. Just imagine the fruitful consequences. For example, the only way to expose the futility of "Drill, Baby, Drill" is to drill, baby, drill. With no new oil forthcoming from those allegedly bountiful reserves in Alaska and unexplored parts of the outer continental shelf, it might occur to Americans that using less oil—for real!—is the only true path to salvation. And that's just one example. The possibilities are endless.
Public television devotes far more time to Sarah Palin than it does to our crashing housing market. I know this because I looked. The last time PBS had anything substantive to say about housing was on May 17, although there was a report on May 31 noting that house prices are now below their 2009 bottom (NSA) according to the lastest Case/Shiller Index—except in Washington D.C., where home prices are rising.
However, PBS has covered Ms. Palin and other Republican hopefuls many, many times in the last few months, and now she's on a bus tour. With the family. On vacation. Meeting and greeting ordinary Americans. It's good to know PBS has got its priorities straight. We've got the latest video below.
It's obvious what must happen. Run, Sarah, Run! And Win, Sarah, Win! If she formally declares, I will immediately offer my endorsement and support. Nothing I could do here at DOTE to convince you that America has become a joke could possibly compare with having Sarah Palin actually living in the White House. I could quit this blog and get a life. Look! I can see Canada from my house!
Watch the full episode. See more PBS NewsHour. Use the Details button at the top to stop or pause the video.
Bonus Video — Kathy Griffin takes Levi Johnston to the Teen Choice Awards
I'm not sure. If W didn't already convince someone that the USA is a joke, will President Palin really get it through their skull?
Posted by: rumor | 06/02/2011 at 10:18 AM