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If you were also bashing Fox, CBS, NBC and ABC, I might agree with some of your comments. But Fox is the worst offender when it comes to propaganda while the big three serve up entertainment instead of news.

Generally, all the TV and radio media are crappy. With a mandate to fill 24-hrs a day, TV news doesn't even bother to give us serious stories or follow-ups, or especially what used to be called muckraking (where real journalists find out the truth).

Radio is the worst offender. Right-wingers have gotten control of almost every station in the U.S. and give us never-ending lies from conservatives. Ann Coulter says radiation is good for you. Rush says oil spills are good for our waterways and that helping your fellow man is "a failed experiment." Savage is completely nuts.

It's all propaganda. And while a huge chunk of people now get their news from the internet, unless you go to many different sites with many different ideologies, and do some actual research, you still may not know what's going on.

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