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Hi Dave,
You present reality, which can be a downer, which turns some people to doomer porn. Many people realise that most things related to our current way of life is unsustainable. And those that follow it closely, like you and your followers, understand that one day, the house of cards will fall. However, no one knows when that day will come, and what will finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back. We are stuck in between two world realities, the fake propped up world that society is currently based on, and a future world where the facade is lifted and we see how destructive we have really been. Many liken it to living in the Matrix. However, living in this limbo world is psychologically taxing, and many yearn for the curtain to drop so that we can transition to something more sane. People are then seduced by the Ruppert's of the world that relieve them of the stress they feel about the uncertain path the world will take to its demise.

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