« Remedy du Jour -- February 19, 2011 | Main | Inequality, Debt And The Financial Crisis »



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Long story short, the root cause of our problems is global over population. We are simply consuming our limited resources at an increasing rate, and consuming non-limited resources at a rate faster than they can be replenished. The only real debate is, how fast we reach the point of our on self destruction. As with the dinosaurs, the planet will be here long after we are gone. Perhaps the biggest issue, we can't seem to face our own mortality. Nothing demonstrates this more than America's health care system.

I would also like to point out, contrary to the assumptions of many, there is not an unlimited supply of CHEAP fossil fuels, meaning the equation is self limiting. Once the point of self limitation is reached, the planet's human population will decline rapidly. I believe we are closer to that point than most people want to admit, and can handle.

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