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Perhaps it is working, as one guy recently commented that his 401K is back to being a 301K, up from being a 201K. He also went on a trip, to Texas.

Of course, if household incomes have decreased to their level in 1997, while fuel and food prices are up significantly, one has to wonder were the real spending power is going to come from. Certainly based on internet sales, people aren't spending.


Apparently not everyone is buying the Fed's master plan.


As a business owner, internet based, I still have to ask, where are my customers? I haven't seen a recovery. In fact, my gross profit is half of what it once was. In some cases, I can't give away my inventory. I recently spoke to another business owner who lost almost $20,000 last year. They are living off Social Security, not their business. As I stated a couple days ago, another business owner was asking about food stamps.

Even with the increase in retail sales, I have to wonder about profit margins. Supposedly, everyone is bargain hunting, and food producers have, reportedly, been absorbing much of the price increases. Are sales increasing while profits and business viability decreasing?

Consumer Metrics Institute recently identified a demographic of business owners Washington seemingly overlooks, "the chronically starving self-employed". I know several, myself included.

Bernanke is perhaps primarily concerned with the Baby Boom Bubble, who desperately need their 401Ks to return to prior levels. Even so, there is still that one problem of, people max out their spending in their 40s. Can we all work within the medical industry, which will eventually implode under the wait of the Baby Boom Bubble and 30 million newly insured, and no "acknowledge" spending limits or "rationed" care?

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