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Every level of government is desperate for us to spend money, so they can continue to finance their Ponzi schemes. Actually, they want us to earn and spend, because they tax both. They tax it when you earn it, spend it, and save it. Of course, taxes these days include fees, penalties, surcharges, and the new boy on the block, forced health care premiums. They don't care how much you go into debt either, as long as you pay your taxes. Where is Robin Hood when you need him?

There lies the power of doing nothing, and that frightens the daylight out of them. The power isn't in doing something, it is in doing absolutely nothing. Hence, the great propaganda machine is running full tilt, least we all not participate in the great Ponzi scheme. Of course, the down side of doing nothing is, bringing the house of cards down on top of us. A nice double edged sword. Unfortunately, the house of cards may tumble even if we don't sit idly by, or are forced to sit idly by.

I know from speaking to others, my business isn't the only one that went on life support last year, yet the government is telling us, everything is getting better. Actually, my business, and others, is likely a case of the walking dead. Too stubborn to accept death, or the need to eat overrides logic. Still waiting for that government bailout that all those who are too big to fail received, and the trickle down that was suppose to result.

I wonder, does the average American know to the degree that the Fed has given them the shaft, over the past decade? I suspect if you do know, you know the consequences of doing something about it, hence you don't.

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