Here's hoping you have things to be thankful for today. I remember Thanksgivings when I didn't have a pot to pee in and nobody to share my misery with. I also remember Thanksgivings where I was surrounded by loved ones and didn't have a care in the world. If you're feeling really down and out today, thank God you're not Imogene Hall, who got pancaked by real estate crooks in Florida. I hope Imogene is doing better than the last time I looked.
If you're a big-shot Wall Street banker, you're probably off on a yacht somewhere enjoying your ill-gotten gains.
But if you have a heart, you'll know why this was the only film clip I could play today.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Awww! Last time you made me you made me cry!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: Gail | 11/25/2010 at 12:00 PM