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Edward  Boyle

911 as govt. Military Job Creation Programme No. 1. War against X(fill in the blank) will always be needed as a stimulus programme. What comes next as public enemy no. 1, Will Smith?

Maybe with $300/barrel oil the airplanes will stop flying and the computer servers of CIA and co. will have blackouts due to overloaded electrical lines. The roads in and outside of the beltway won't be paved anymore due to costs and sewage will back up into the white house and congressional toilets. AC will fail in DC in another series of Long Hot Summers forcing the lobbyists and politicans to flee the capital to cooler climes. Collpase will be meant literally not just on a virtual bank statment of Citicorp and JP Morgan Chase. We can only hope and pray for the day that Washington becomes just another backwater with malarial infested Potomac swamps making life miserable for anyone unfortunate enough to not be able to get away.

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