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I always feel a little wiser (and melancholic) from your posts. As I was reading I wondered about a "genius" high school best friend of mine now "Superstar" Stanford Silicon Valley PhD, retired at 35 after some "inventive programing" sold for millions. For him, overpopulation, peak oil, liberalism/government interference are all negligible pests with respect to technological progress. In the last 30 years technology has given rise to a "required optimism" that is blind to failure. You wouldn't dare suggest to these Superstars that the future is bleak, and I think the ideas they have enable the business side/economists to believe that we can surmount any resource challenge. The greatest example of this, I think, is Ray Kurzweil and the idea of "Engineered Negligible Senescence" - yes we can even conquer death (a select few of the Superstars that is).

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